Sell Products : Welcome to My Shop Store

Here Myshopstore Provides you to sell products online, you can sell every categories products like clothing, footwear, electronics, electrical, health products, beauty products, home appliances and any other category.

sell products my shop store

Myshopstore Provides online selling facilities for only those vendors who work in Himachal Pradesh states.

Sell Products in All Over India

Myshopstore accept only made in India Products.

Every Products prices decided by vendors with including of myshopstore percentage (%age).

Customer is supports is free for Vendors.

Only Online Invoice bill attached with every product.

Courier charges pay by vendors.

Our Online Payments accept and transfer through Online Mode (Razorpay).

When to Withdrawal Your Earning amount From MyShopStore: after (Minimum 4 days), Weekly, and Monthly.

Our Online Selling Fees on Every Product
Sr_NoSeller Product Price RangeMyShopStore Selling %age
11000 Rs.3%
21000 Rs. -5000 Rs.4%
35000 Rs. -20000 Rs.5%
420000 Rs. -100000 Rs.6%

